A Brief History:
"Nancy" became works number 1547 of Avonside works and was delivered new to Stanton Ironworks Co. Ltd for use on their Brewer’s Grave tramway serving Woolsthrope Quarries in Leicestershire. It spent its working life in the ironstone Industry until 1961 when it was bought for preservation by a group based at Watnall, Nottinghamshire. It remained there until 1972 when it was acquired by Lord O’Neill for Shane’s Castle Railway, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
Preservation at Dromod:
"Nancy" remained there until she was purchased by C & L in 1997 for restoration and service on portion of the restored line at Dromod. In early 1999 "Nancy" was shipped to the premises of Alan Keef Ltd., Lea Line, Nr Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, England to start the process of restoration.
Most of the components above the running plate were fit only to use as a pattern for new parts. By April 2001, “Nancy” had been stripped; the reusable components ultrasonically tested, and when fit for use, have been cleaned, repainted and reused. The reprofiled wheel sets have been reunited with the frames, and the assembly of the cylinders, motion work and valve gear is now complete. The manufacture of the footplates, new tanks, cab and bunker, using the originals as patterns, see right hand side. An article in the Railway Magazine shows further details on the restoration.
Nancy has now returned and has brought steam to Dromod for the first time since 2004 when Dromad's boiler cert required renewal. Nancy was formally approved by the Commission for Rail Regulation in the Spring of 2022.

The Avonside "Nancy" Restoration Group:
The group have given much direction and leadership to the project and without their input we would be no where, their site is available here.
The Swilly and NCC Connection:

Michael Kennedy has collected the whistle and gauge glass from a LLSR engine, it came from one of the "Big Giants" the biggest narrow gauge engines to operate in these islands, for the first time since 1953 a Lough Swilly engine can be heard.

There is also a bit of history from a former NCC 2-4-2T, the Downpatrick and County Down Railway donated the chimney to us. It has been fitted to Nancy and looks superb. The author recalls donating money into the chimney while visiting Downpatrick! He didn't think it would grace Nancy at some point!

Historical Gallery of "Nancy"
The first image is provided courtesy of James Waterfield, the second is courtesy of the Midland Railway Trust. The sixth and seventh are courtesy of Ken Cooper (held by Michael Whitehouse).
Nancy's Restoration:
Nancy at Keefs:
The album below shows the restoration work undertaken with Nancy while at Alan Keef ltd between 1997 and 2018, a period of 21 years! £160,000 and a new boiler later she has been completed. A special word of thanks must be extended to several groups including the Avonside "Nancy" Restoration Group, Martin Ball, Lord O'Neill for their contribution to the project. Thanks must also extend to the Downpatrick and County Down Railway for donating a former narrow gauge NCC locomotive chimney to the project.
Nancy Steams Again!
The album below shows Nancy steaming for the first time in preservation at Alan Keef ltd and her arrival at Dromod.
Thank you to the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media for supporting us with grant aid to fit an air brake pump and braking to Nancy, This will allow Nancy to operate safely with no conditions on operation and will further allow engagement with members of the public and our museum.

Look forward to seeing Nancy on the 18th July